Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Courtship Style Nowadays

in my opinion dating way children today are very diverse, because there is a natural relationship style as for the no. it all started from the original purpose of those who wish to have a partner before marriage. if their initial purpose for dating is done with positive thinking for sure they do well with things that are positive. different from those who are dating negative thoughts definitely a lot of things detrimental to both parties.

but dating many children today are more negative than positive because today a child can fall in love to the opposite sex does not see it due to the age of the association that is beyond parental supervision uncontrolled can cause them to freely carry out the integration of the opposite sex so that they deviation could do to her partner. The deviation can be started from small things and penetrated to great things even with their actions that they can be ostracized by society.

therefore parents need to watch every movement of the child, especially if the child still does not understand what the real meaning of dating can be the child actually fell into negative.

Nama : Yudhi Indra Haryanto
Kelas : 3eb20
NPM : 28210726

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