Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #softskill

  • Membuat kalimat simple present, simple past, simple future, present continous, dan present perfect dengan menjadikan kedalam kalimat positif (+) ,negatif (-) , dan tanya (?)

  • Simple Present
    Adis always think about iwan at night
- Adis doesn't always think about iwan at night
? Does she always think about him at night?

  • Simple Past
    Ayu bought the book in the bookstore yesterday
- Ayu didn't buy the book in the bookstore yesterday
? Did she buy the book in the bookstore yesterday?

  • Simple Future  
+ I will become master of economics next year
- I won't become master of economics next year
? Will you become master of economics next year?

  • Present Continous
+ Yudhi is playing Play Station with Iman now
- Yudhi isn't playing Play Station with Iman now
? Is he playing Play Station with him now?

  • Present Perfect
+ Setiawan has loved Santi since three years ago
- Setiawan hasn't loved Santi since three years ago
? Has he loved her since three years ago?